NHS Point policies
Service Hour plans for the 2024-25 school year:
Inducted Member hours will be counted by SEMESTER. 10 hours will be due December 9th on 11:59 pm.
Prospective members will have to complete 4 hours as part of their Inducted member application, and this is due November 22nd.
All these volunteering hours must be provided by NHS and must be submitted to Innerview (more info on Innerview under the Volunteer Opportunities Page).​​
Service Hours​
Failure to meet a service hour deadline will result in a demerit and the following consequence. For every hour you did not complete by the deadline, you will complete double that amount of hours (in addition to the original requirements) the following semester.
Example: Joe only completed 2 out of his 4 hours during term 1 (2 hours short). On top of his 4 hours required for term 2, he will have to complete 4 additional hours to make up for the 2 hours he did not complete during term 1. So, Joe will need to complete a total of 8 hours, instead of 4, for term 2.
You may only earn service hours for NHS sponsored events.
If you have a service idea, inform the Service Parlimentarian (Chala) about the potential opportunity and it will be decided if the service opportunity meets the criteria below. All Service events must be within 30 miles of Dulles High School, benefit the community, and be nonprofit in nature.
Cancellation of Service events​
If NHS cancels a service event with less than a 24 hour notice, members that were signed up to attend will receive half of the credit hours they signed up for.
If NHS cancels a service event with more than a 24 hour notice, members that were signed up to attend will receive no credit hours.
If an NHS member cancels a service event that they signed up for with less than a 24 hour notice, they must get a replacement or they will receive a demerit.
How to submit hours:
Aside from general information such as your name and contact info, make sure to upload a picture of you doing the volunteer activity. If you have any new opportunities, please email dullesnhs@gmail.com to get it approved!
Inducted and Prospective Members:
Submit to Innerview for proof and credit
If you have any questions - email dullesnhs@gmail.com for clarification.