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NHS Prospective Members: Information
Please join our Schoology course! B4X4-8WGK-MXZNZ
ALL PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS must join our Schoology course to submit the application materials in order to be considered for induction.
Required Components (Due on November 22nd on Schoology):
1. Prospective Member Packet (found in schoology)
Leadership Essay
Character Assessment Forms (5)
2. Permission Forms (found online)
3. Medical Form (found online)
4. 3 hours of NHS-approved service
Prospective Member Packet: (linked above as "Application") The form includes:
The Acknowledgement of NHS Requirements form. You and a parent must sign this.
The Prospective Member Service Record column. This is a list of your most recent 8-12 hours of public service. Approximate dates (ex: July 2024) are acceptable. You need to include one method of contacting your supervisor (or whoever was in charge of the service).
The Teachers’ Assessment column. This is a list of the teachers whom you have already asked for assessments.
The NHS Service Sponsored Activity section. This is where you list a description of your three-hour volunteer service requirement, necessary in applying for NHS. A list of approved activities and sign-up sheets can be found on the following pages.
Leadership Information Essay: NHS places a great deal of emphasis on leadership. This essay is where you tell the NHS sponsors about your leadership positions during your high school career. Be specific; remember that you do not have to be an officer in a club to show leadership. This essay must be typed. The prompt for the essay is described in the document labeled “Essay Prompt.” To see an example of the format and content of the essays, view the document labeled “Essay Example.”
Character Assessment Forms: Send out the online NHS Character Assessment form (via the link provided) to teachers of your choosing (two current teachers and three teachers of choice). Your chosen teachers need to have time to complete the Character Assessment and submit it to NHS by November 22nd, 2024.
NHS-Approved Service: Along with the rest of your application materials, you are required to complete 4 hours of NHS-approved service. For each opportunity, you must document your service on the application packet AND fill out the volunteer form attached below. The opportunities are available in the volunteer opps. section and will be updated through Remind
Important! All of your 4 required hours must come from events listed in this document. This list may change, so be on the lookout for additional opportunities. If you have any questions or concerns about any of these volunteering opportunities, please feel free to contact us at More volunteering opportunities will be updated!
Please remember that selection to NHS is a privilege, not a right. Membership is not automatically conveyed simply because a student has achieved a specified level of academic performance. Rather, NHS members are expected to demonstrate scholarship, service, leadership, and character.
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